Sunday, October 31, 2010

Arrogance versus confidence.

Arrogance is insecurity; confidence is peace of mind

Arrogance is insecurity; confidence is peace of mind

The difference between arrogance and confidence also shows in our emotional state. Arrogance makes us insecure whereas confidence gives us peace of mind. The more arrogant we become, the more keenly we feel the dependence of our happiness upon the misfortune and weakness of others. This ironic dependence makes the seeming confidence of the arrogant increasingly insecure. The more they bolster this false self-confidence on the outside, the less secure they become inside; so the ‘happiness’ of the arrogant is self-consuming.

Arrogance is needy; confidence is free

As mentioned earlier, confident people are deeply aware that they derive their confidence from strengthening their innate qualities and need not depend on others. So the more confident people are, the more peaceful they will be with both themselves and others. Even in disagreement or when pointing out the errors of others, confident people can remain calm and open-minded. Since they need not defend their self-worth by ‘winning’ in the argument, confident people can stay focused on the merits of different views and opinions without becoming hurtful toward others.

Nichiren Daishonin, for example, wrote from exile, “Whatever obstacles I might encounter, so long as persons of wisdom do not prove my teachings to be false, I will never yield!” (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, p. 280). His vow to be steadfast in his belief comes with the condition—“so long as persons of wisdom do not prove my teachings to be false.” This was an expression of the unruffled openness of the confident, not of the blind obstinacy of the arrogant.

Think about how people behave at work. Unlike an arrogant manager who takes any suggestion as a personal criticism and everyone in the office as a potential threat, a confident manager takes even personal criticism as an opportunity for self-reflection and further improvement. The inner state of an arrogant person is constantly agitated, waiting for any opportunity to assert a sense of superiority. But the inner state of a confident person absorbs even an untoward event like a pebble tossed into a bathtub, as opposed to a wineglass.

As it is clear now, arrogance is not “too much” confidence. The essential difference between arrogance and confidence is not one of quantity or degree, but of quality and origin. Arrogance is needy and dependent on others, derived from comparison with the external. Confidence is free and independent of others, found and cultivated in the self.

‘Absolute superiority’ is a dangerous illusion

Mistaking arrogance for confidence distorts our view of humanity—the way we relate to others and ourselves. Such misconception spells out only tragic suffering for individuals and society. Long before his rise to power, Adolf Hitler wrote: “Self-confidence must be inculcated in the young national comrade from childhood on. His whole education and training must be so ordered as to give him the conviction that he is absolutely superior to others” (Mein Kamph, trans. Ralph Manheim, p. 411).

The epitome of arrogance, Hitler mistook the illusion of “absolute superiority” as supreme confidence. He debased education, turning it from a vehicle of equality and happiness into a cogwheel in the evil machinery of discrimination and destruction. Education must teach confidence, not arrogance

Good discussion at tea stall

Hello friends,

Yesterday there was a good discussion at tea stall. One of the boy was saying i have done no wrong in coding so i dont need to bending my head for anybody etc. The topic moved from towards arrogance and humility. What is wrong to listen to your project manager who is trying to help you as he needs what type of output he needs. I support humility than arrogance as it could cost even your job. The points below are in favour of humility.

Gandhi, a well-known advocate of humility.

"In reality there is perhaps not one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive, and will every now and then peep out and show itself...For even if I could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility." - Benjamin Franklin

"It's hard to be humble," says an old country song, "when you're perfect in every way." Very few people, of course, actually think they're perfect in every way, but it can still be pretty hard to be humble, especially when you live in a society that encourages competition and individuality. Even in such a culture, however, humility is an important virtue. Learning to be humble is of paramount importance in most religions and spiritual traditions, and humility can also help you develop as a person and enjoy richer relationships with others


1.Appreciate your talents. Being humble doesn't mean you can't feel good about yourself. Self-esteem is not the same as pride. Both come from a recognition of your own talents and qualities, but pride, the kind of pride that leans toward arrogance, is rooted in insecurity about yourself. Think about the abilities you have, and be thankful for them.

2. Conduct an honest evaluation of yourself. Honesty with yourself is the best policy. If you know you are weak in a certain area, your enemies will not be able to have that power over you. Accept yourself as you are.

3.Understand your limitations. No matter how talented you are, there is almost always somebody who can do something better than you. Look to those who are better and consider the potential for improvement. Even if you are the best in the world at doing one thing, there are always other things that you cannot do, and may never be able to do. Add to this the fact that there are a great many things that no person can do, and you can get some idea of your limitations. Recognizing your limitations does not mean abandoning your dreams, and it does now mean giving up on learning new things or improving your existing abilities.

4.Recognize your own faults. We judge others because it's a lot easier than looking at ourselves. Unfortunately, it's also completely unproductive and, in many cases, harmful. Judging others causes strife in relationships, and it prevents new relationships from forming. Perhaps even worse, it prevents us from trying to improve ourselves. We make judgments about others all the time, usually without even realizing it. As a practical exercise, try to catch yourself in the act of judging another person or group of people, and whenever you do, judge yourself instead. Consider how you can improve yourself.

5.Stop comparing. It's nearly impossible to be humble when we're striving to be the "best" or trying to be better than others. Instead, try describing things more objectively. Rather than saying that so and so is the best guitarist ever, say what exactly it is that you appreciate about his skills, or simply say that you like his playing style. Let go of meaningless, simplistic comparisons, and you'll be able to enjoy doing things without worrying about whether you're better or worse at them than others.

6.Appreciate the talents and qualities of others. Challenge yourself to look at others and appreciate the things they can do and, more generally, to appreciate people for who they are. Understand that everybody is different and relish the chance you have to experience different people. You will still have your personal tastes, your likes and dislikes, but train yourself to separate your opinions from your fears and you will appreciate others more--you will be humbler.

7.Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Part of being humble is understanding that you will make mistakes. Understand this, and understand that everyone else makes mistakes, and you will have a heavy burden lifted off of you. Any one person can know only the smallest bits and pieces of the tremendous knowledge that has accumulated over the past. What's more, each person experiences only a sliver of the present, and knows little to nothing of the future.

8.Don't be afraid to defer to others' judgment. It's easy to acknowledge that you make mistakes and that you're not always right. Somewhat more difficult however, is the ability to acknowledge that in many cases other people—even people who disagree with you—may be right. Deferring to your spouse's wishes, to a law you don't agree with, or even, sometimes, to your child's opinion takes your recognition of your limitations to a different level. Instead of simply saying that you know that you're fallible, you take action based on that fact. Of course, if you know that a particular course of action is wrong, you shouldn't follow it. On closer inspection, though, you may realize that you don't actually know this as often as you think you do.

9.Rejuvenate your sense of wonder. Because we, as individuals, know practically nothing, you'd expect that we'd be awestruck more often than we typically are. Children have this sense of wonder, and it inspires the curiosity that makes them such keen observers and capable learners. Do you really know how your microwave works? Could you build one on your own? What about your car? Your brain? A rose? The jaded, "I've seen it all" attitude makes us feel far more important than we are. Be amazed like a child and you will not only be humbled; you will also be readier to learn.

10.Seek guidance. Contemplate moral texts and proverbs about humility. Pray for it, meditate on it, do whatever it takes to get your attention off yourself. If you're not into spirituality, consider the scientific method. Science requires humility. It requires that you let go of your preconceived notions and judgments and understand that you don't know as much as you think you do.

11.Think about yourself under different circumstances. Much of what we give ourselves credit for is actually a product of luck. Suppose you graduate from an Ivy League university at the top of your class. You definitely deserve a lot of credit for the many hours of studying and for your perseverance. Consider though, that there is someone just as intelligent and hardworking as you who had less supportive parents, grew up in a different place, or just had the bad luck to make one wrong choice in life. That person—you, really—might be in jail now; they might be shivering in the entryway of a darkened storefront or clinging to life in a hospital bed. Or they may already have died, far from a hospital, from the very same illness for which your doctor treated you with a one-week course of antibiotics. Always remember that with a little bad luck yesterday, your whole life could be different today and, furthermore, that today could be the day your luck changes.

12.Help others. A big part of being humble is respecting others, and part of respecting others is helping them. Treat other people as equals and help them because it is the right thing to do. It's been said that when you can help others who cannot possibly help you in return, you have learned humility.

13.Remain teachable. Find people you aspire to be like in certain areas, and ask them to mentor you. Under mentorship; good boundary setting, confidentiality and discernment is required. As soon as you cross the line of being 'unteachable', bring yourself back down to earth again.

14.Practice gentleness. Gentleness of spirit is the sure path to humility. Use 'Aikido' where possible when faced with conflict. ie. Absorb the venom from other's attacks and react with gentleness and respect.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lucky vivek oberoi

Hi friends,

A perfect example of destiny. Had this man been with ash he would have been unlucky. she is career oriented female. In a recent interview she said she doesnot like to cook food so i and abhi go out whenever we are together. the word whenever we are together is worth noting. infact there was a concern raised by amitabh saying you are turning 38 plus can't you take a break to have a kid. The next day she signed 2 new projects thats it. It was the answer. Career oriented woman can never bring any joy into any family as they live for themselves and not for family.

Another happy thing was with sanjay dutt. Good to see he being blessed with twins. What ever world said. manyata has cases saying her ex husband etc. But ultimately the couple stood together and made it. His house is filled with double joy. Had manyatha been a heroine life would have been different. She worked and good to see sanjay's sister at hospital with manyatha. I think manyatha has done good job leaving her ego out and getting a happy family.

Life is about making everybody around you happy. Vivek and sanju are lucky by all sorts in this. May lord vishnu bless them with many more happiness.


Many many years ago, a few thousand to be precise, in a beautiful hermitage in the middle of the forest, lived a learned Guru. We will leave speculation about his name and the exact time to the historians, and focus instead on the knowledge he gave us. Among his many talented disciples, perhaps the most talented was his own son, though the Guru showed him no special favour.
One day, the boy approached his master with due respect, and, when granted permission to ask a question, reverentially asked, “What is God?”
The Guru replied, “Food is God,” and was silent. The boy correctly surmised this to mean that he must study not only food but all things corporeal in the environment, and to understand the true nature of matter. Long years passed as his observation deepened, and at last he concluded that there was more to God than matter.
Once more he approached his father and asked, “What is God?” This time the sage replied, “Prana (the life force) is God (Brahman).” The boy plunged this time into an intense study of prana, mastering the techniques of controlling the life force energy through pranayama and related disciplines. But some years later, there came a day when he went to his father once again and reverently repeated his query, “What is Brahman?”
“Mind is God,” intoned the Guru, and sank once again into the depths of his meditative bliss. Living up to his talent, the disciple wasted not a moment but plunged into a deepening experience of mind and consciousness through meditation. Stilling the modulations of the mind, he prepared himself once more to receive the best that the master had to offer. “Intelligence is God,” was the next message he received from the Guru a few years further on. By this time he was able to plumb the depths of intuitive perception and unravel the mysteries of self-knowledge which have formed the basis of Indian spiritual thought for centuries.
But there was still another step to take; and once more he asked his father, this time with the confidence of the true seeker, “What is God?”
With a satisfied smile and infinite love, the master replied with an air of finality, “Bliss is God!” When the ripened seeker delved into the experience of bliss, he dissolved in it totally – the ecstasy of Divine realization became his very being, and thus he was enlightened.
This episode underlines the basic premise of Hinduism, the realization of the Self and of the unity of all of creation through a combination of knowledge, discipline, intuition, experience and devotion. Of these, much has been discussed about knowledge, discipline and even devotion for that matter, but the key lies perhaps in the remaining two factors – experience and intuition. In our culture, a student has always been encouraged to trust his own experience and sharpen his intuitive perception. This path is the path of experience, of subtlety and of beauty; it is not the realm of dry theorization and rhetoric. In fact, through the ages, the self-realized souls have sung out in bliss and danced in ecstasy; they have showered love on all around them. In addition, they have also shown a keenness of perception and sharpness of logic that would put the greatest intellect to shame. The icing on this cake has been their focus on social reconstruction and rural development; from Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda to Aurobindo, the sages have expressed selfless service and love with equal passion and commitment, and sought to mould not just a nation but a generation of young minds through their message.
The gurus sought to inspire their disciples by giving them not just ideals but a genuine experience of their true nature. They also became role models for the youth; role models who would never shatter or get mired in controversy. These beacons of humanity shine bright as ever today, and hold out a ray of hope for a generation that is constantly starved of yet craving for idols and ideals.

Good Eating habits.

Most working people have the same complaints -- no time to eat, rushed office time, long hours and inadvertent eating out leading to acidity, gas, bloating, nausea and obesity. Many woefully complain that they hardly eat and yet they are gaining weight. What could be going wrong?
The problem is that the food, instead of energizing, is sapping away all the energy. Here are a few diet mantras that can help you stay healthy and feel energized:
Don't skip the most important meal of the day (breakfast)
Missing the most important meal of the day tends to set a trend for the rest of the day. People skip breakfast for various reasons. It could be due to eating late at night therefore they don't feel hungry in the morning or because they don't have time because they're running late. Some even believe that skipping breakfast will keep them slim. Whatever the reason, the problems one faces are ten times worse. Out of the many reasons to eat breakfast in the morning, some are:
1. Eating breakfast first thing in the morning is very important for the brain and the body. For people on the go, a ready to eat cereal topped with fruits and yoghurt is one of the many easy options.
2. Breakfast is the first chance the body has to refuel its glucose levels (also known as blood sugar) after eight to 12 hours without a meal or snack.
3. Breakfast is also important for weight loss and management as it helps curb your hunger and prevent binge eating later in the day.
Our body needs food (that equals energy), at regular intervals. Denying food to our body is like not greasing a piece of machinery. How will it function? Here is why meal timings are important:
1. The best way to avoid acidity, gas, bloating is to eat small meals several times a day. Frequent mini-meals supply a steady stream of insulin to preserve muscle, but less of an insulin release (and thus less fat gain) over 24 hours than if you ate three big squares.
2. Along with sleep and coffee, food has a huge impact on how energized you feel during the day. So keep handy some healthy snacks if you're going to have a late lunch/dinner. When you finally get to your meal, just eat a small potion instead of gouging on it.
3. Regularize your eating patterns so your body knows there is steady supply of food, this in turn, will ensure that it does not store fat.
When hunger strikes, you eat chocolates, chips or fried foods. All these are contributory factors towards obesity, constipation etc. Some things to keep in mind:
1. Read up on healthier options such as dry roasted nuts which taste great and yet pack 1/3rd of your daily needed calories. Keep them with you when you're on the go or even in your office drawers.
2. Breakfast should consist of fruits and milk products e.g. papaya, apples, bananas, oranges, cottage cheese, yoghurt etc.
3. For lunch/ dinner, make sure there is a balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Dals, vegetables and lean meats are a good option as well as non starched rice and wheat roti's etc.
With a busy and long day at work and other commitments, we tend to take the easy way out and end up eating a lot of junk food. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Don't leave home with a satisfying breakfast under your belly.
2. Carry fruits and nuts with you, instead of cookies and chips.
3. Pack lunch as and when possible or get the famous dabbawallas to send you a home cooked meal.
High stress jobs, late night parties, alcohol, fizzy drinks, smoking etc. accelerate the side-effects of poor dietary habits. Some ways to alleviate the harmful effects are:
1. Intake of foods that cool your system such as yoghurt, cucumbers, tomatoes etc keep us hydrated.
2. Intake of high-fibre foods such as oat bran, woody vegetables etc. keep your energy levels high.
3. A balanced diet and regular meal timing will ensure good health and help you cope with such physical stress.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sad demise of pedamma.

The ways and means of god. Today lost Pedamma 6 who was a source of inspiration for me in life. This last 6 months saw pedanna 2 and pedamma 6 going to god. She was a big inspiration in life. Specially for me the stories pedamma told and the way she used to feed me with pongal i cannot forget. pedanna is down. They had great love as they had only child bhavani after that peddamma had some operation. After sister marriage they became one for other and the loss of pedamma is really bad for pedannana. I wish pedannanna come to us and stay with us to come over this. Rest all of us are the dolls in the hands of god.

Happy Exit

Hello friends,

This article is for my employee who is moving out of her present job at winsome from chandigarh to take up a new job. I got introduced to her when she was facing a court case which is falsely filed on her. She was mentally harassed to pay an amount of money for out of court settlement. She has won the case as justice was on her side. My role was only to prepare points for the case for her. Then when vishnu securities was started she was the 2nd employee to come on the rolls. From then she has been with us and doing a good job. Personally also she was helpful to me. When i was in personal life turmoil she was there. I dont know whether i was right or wrong to utilize her services at that time for my personal things. Once i called her and said take your phone and give it to somebody. she almost forwarded all the mba answer sheets i had answered. She used to help me with info of when somebody is bad in health( i never asked her anything more than that). The day i broke the news of the my new house few days back at hyderabad she was very happy. She has a special love and affection for vishnu. Only person who puts on email luv to vishnu. After she got herself on facebook i personally learnt lot of things from her. She said once over phone i don't want to loose precious things because some people force me to come outside in the nights for fun. The respect she gives for the person she believes is a lesson i learnt personally from her. The way she was trimmed her friends on FB when she felt are not adding value is a good lesson learnt from her. I was happy to see the word goal being used by her on her birthday a week back. Today when she is moving away from winsome i wish her all the best. i wish she has a smooth exit. She will continue to be the employee of vishnu securities which she likes to be associated with. May god bless you and my wishes are always with you at any time. I wish you get a good company of friends in your new organization which will make you more mature and take you to new levels and define a new way of joy and fun in life.

PSN Kumar

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A good article one of my friend sent me to share on blog from Scotland.

Making someone happy is a matter of being sensitive to one’s needs. Many pursue the common approach of knowing what the other wants in order to bring them happiness, but the truth however is that we don’t need to know what they want. Instead, we should be observant to the subtleties of their aspirations.

There are ways to know the things that can make someone happy. But the first thing we need to do is to let go our own definition of happiness. Let us always remember that people are different, what makes happiness for one may not be for the other. An effective method to know what can make someone happy is to be sensitive to their concerns. If we truly care about knowing what would constitute happiness to a person it is wise to open our awareness to the things they treasure.

Still, we don’t have to look far to know what brings happiness to a person. More often than not, a simple display of genuine concern is sufficient to brighten someone’s life.

Here are some of the simple yet effective ways of making someone happy:

1. A simple touch of affection

Extending happiness can be as simple as a touch of affection. Have you felt what it’s like to be in the loving arms of the people you love? Don’t you feel happy and assured by the caress of your special someone? I’m sure you do, especially when you are at your most vulnerable. Remember that touch has hidden power, and it’s one of the longing of every person.

2. Be appreciative

If you want to make someone happy you have to learn to appreciate them more. Give credits to the accomplishments one makes—no matter how little—and give importance to the efforts they’ve made. People need to be appreciated one way or another, and by being generously appreciative, you are sure to extend happiness to someone.

3. Extend a helping hand

Helping someone proves to be the most noble form of bringing happiness to someone. Nothing brings much greater delight to a person than finding a helping hand to aid him in his moments of need. All of us need a lending hand once in a while and we feel very happy when someone gives themselves when we needed the most. Be alert for this opportunity if you want give someone a dose of happiness.

4. Make someone smile

Have you ever wondered why having a sense of humor is a plus factor for a person? Being with a person who is jolly, lighthearted and humorous illuminates our spirit. No matter how our day goes, when we’re in the company of a jovial character, it never fails to make us happy. Make an effort of putting a smile on someone’s face and you’ll never be forgotten.

5. Show kindness

It is said that kindness is the universal language of love. By being kind to someone we are expressing our concern for the other. Kindness makes us realize our connection with others; irrespective of any barriers, any show of kindness portrays an act of love. When someone shows us kindness it lifts our spirits and gives us an unexplainable feeling of gratitude. It makes us happy knowing that someone have made an effort to go out of their way just to extend their grace.


In conclusion, if you want to give the gift of happiness always remember to capitalize on the person’s emotion. Let us put more premiums on appreciating, loving, caring, respecting, and sensitivity to the people whom we want to extend happiness. Stop being deaf and blind to the obvious needs of others, learn to let go of yourself to clearly see the manifestation of someone’s longing, and from there we can figure out the most memorable gift we can give to make someone happy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ravi shankar good words

Having too many thoughts indicates some weakness in the body. Consult an ayurveda physician and take herbs to cleanse the body. Through pranayam, the mind is purified. Through meditation, the consciousness gets purified. Sometimes the thoughts come because of the surroundings or company. Do not be afraid of bad thoughts. These thoughts are similar to the dark clouds that come and pass away.

You always want new fashion. What is the latest fashion, you ask. But when you are in love you say, ‘Oh I know them since ages. That’s my old love, my ancient love.’ You always connect, go back to the ages because the heart longs for the old and the mind wants the new. So when you are going for new, know that it’s only... the mind’s work but your heart knows, heart always longs for that old connection, old love.

Every human is pure but filled with dirt. Every human being is like a diamond. The fact that the diamond is in mud, does not make it mud. You simply have to pick it up and wash it. And it shines again. The shiny nature of diamond is always there but covered with mud and slush.

Happiness is when you want nothing, and you want to give. Where the wanting and desires end, and the sharing begins, happiness is exactly there. Memory is not happiness. When you are happy, you forget everything. It is when happiness is gone that you dwell in its memory. In the world, people are either dreaming of happ...iness or remembering happiness. That is either being in the past or the future. But happiness is that which is in the present.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down.

when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared.. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver
then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That's a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?" The young boy was apologetic. "Please, mister...please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do," He pleaded. "I threw the brick because no one else would stop..." With tears dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. "It's my brother, "he said "He rolled off the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up."

Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."

Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. "Thank you and may God bless you," the grateful child told the stranger. Too shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: "Don't go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or not.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Importance of Birthday

It is always a joyful experience to celebrate one’s birthday. It is something that comes only once in a year. Therefore, everybody wants to make the most out of it. The thought of wearing new dress is really thrilling. It is very nice to go to everybody with some sweets. In short, every birthday is a great occasion. Birthday celebrations should not be limited to new dresses and sweets. There are many other important things. It is an occasion to thank God for his wonderful graces. Our life is a gift from God. Therefore, we should thank Him for this gift. We should also thank him for His loving protection. A birthday is a chance to pray. We should ask God for many more graces. So, you may be able to achieve great things. A birthday is an opportunity to make some good decisions. There will be something you want to change in yourself. You can use this day to bring that change into your life. If you have some dreams, start working for it on this birthday. Moreover, it is an opportunity to thank all those who love you. Your parents, teachers, relatives and friends should be thanked. In short, a birthday is a very important day in one’s life.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ravishankar good words

Having too many thoughts indicates some weakness in the body. Consult an ayurveda physician and take herbs to cleanse the body. Through pranayam, the mind is purified. Through meditation, the consciousness gets purified. Sometimes the thoughts come because of the surroundings or company. Do not be afraid of bad thoughts. These thoughts are similar to the dark clouds that come and pass away.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Interview tips-what HR looks for.

1. Energy
Organisations need people who are always eager to learn new skills and are eager to add to their knowledge base. They have genuine receptiveness to change and are open to examine new ideas. They bounce back quick after failures.
2. Ability to energise
These people are self-motivated and they demonstrate it outwardly. They inspire people and get people excited about a cause. They have the ability to keep the mood positive even when things are tough. Managers look for that that elusive "spark" that draws others to them.
3. Edge
This is the ability to take decision in grey. The ability to take decisions in tough situations and never allowing the degree of difficulty to stand in their way.
4. Ability to execute
These candidates are action-oriented and are focused on getting results. They are the ones who put strategy into implementation. Organisations look for a candidates ability to convert energy and edge (of self and of the team) into action and measurable results.
5. Customer-focused and quality conscious
These people understand customer business and customer pain points and strive to make customers successful by delivering superior quality products and superior service delivery. They build partnerships with clients and they measure their success based on the success of their customers. They go the extra mile to achieve customer delight.
6. Respect for individuals
These candidates value different cultural and religious backgrounds. They compliment in public for a good job done and offer candid and constructive criticism in private. This helps in creating a truly global environment in the workplace.
7. Integrity
These candidates mean what they say and say what they mean. They make us trusted partners of customers or for that matter they make good partners in every sphere of our life. They help build great organisations that can sustain over long periods of time during periods of prosperity as well as during challenging times.
8. Creative and enterprising
To create a differentiator, it is important that we offer different and unique proposition to our customers, which will bring value superior to that given by peers. This calls for creative thinking and entrepreneurship. Creative people come up with out-of-the-box ideas. They find better ways of doing things or ways of doing things differently. Entrepreneurs are willing to take well-assessed risks.
9. Collaborative/ team player
Organisations need people who have good interpersonal skills and gel well in the team. They put team goals above individual goals.
10. Technical competency and solutioning mindset
Technical competency is important in helping to foster a firm's competitive advantage. People possessing sound technical competency and a solutioning mindset can create and also execute winning solutions tailored to specific needs of the customer/ industry.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mumbai: Exam scare lands 10-yr-old on CST platform

Mumbai: Fear of failing exams drove a 10-year-old boy to run away from his Navi Mumbai house on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, he was spotted roaming aimlessly at the CST railway station by a railway cop the same night and reunited with his family on Monday.

The boy, a fourth standard student of an English medium school in Airoli, was studying at home since Sunday morning for his mid-term examination scheduled on Monday. At around 2pm, he told his aunt Jyoti Jagdale, 37, that he was going to his friend's house for study.
The boy left his friend's house at around 3pm, but instead of returning home, he went to the Airoli railway station and boarded a CST-bound local.

When he did not return home till 5pm, his anxious aunt and cousin, with whom he was staying, searched for him at his friend's house and the adjoining area. When he could not be traced, they lodged a missing complaint at the Rabale police station at night.
Meanwhile, police inspector Pandarinath Yeram, who was patrolling platform no 8, found a boy loitering on the platform. Suspecting something amiss, he brought the boy to the police station and gave him tea and biscuits. After taking him into confidence, Yeram asked him his name, and where he was from.

"After learning about his aunt, we immediately contacted her and informed her that her nephew is safe at the CST railway police station. The couple came to the police station on Monday morning and took their nephew," said Yeram.

The boy hails from Solapur and was staying and studying at his aunt's house for the past four years at the behest of his parents.

Read more at:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


What is happiness? For different people HAPPINESS means different things. For some, it might be winning the lottery. For others, it might be losing weight, traveling to exotic destinations or finding the love of their life.

Others might define HAPPINESS as being content and at peace with who and where they are in life. HAPPINESS for all humans is this—nothing more than a state of mind!
Human happiness is affected by many influences. There are outside influences such as goals, possessions, and “someday”, and there are inside influences , such as outlook and self esteem.

In order to help you decide what your state is right now and how happy you want to be, you must first measure your happiness based on our happiness scale . Remember the saddest feeling of your life and the happiest feeling of your life. On the scale, make your happiest moment ever equal to a score of +10. Now make the worst, or saddest moment you can recall a -10. Where on that scale are you normally, with regard to happiness, without any outside or inside influences? This number we will call your happiness preponderance , or your normal, uninfluenced state.

Once you figure out this value, you will know where you are, and will be better able to decide where you want to be. You will also be able to decide what makes you happy, and compare your definition of happiness with our definition of happiness . Hopefully they will have some of the same attributes. You may even find more ways to be happy than you knew possible.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fat pocket money leading teenagers to bars: Study

In a startling revelation, a study has claimed that 45 per cent of students of Class 12th in big cities have taken to drinking, courtesy fat pocket money and peer influence.

"As many as 45 per cent of the 12th graders in metropolitan cities consume alcohol excessively, at least five to six times in a month," industry body Assocham said in a survey conducted over 2,000 boys and girls in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Goa, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Chandigarh and Dehradun.

The results indicate an almost 100 per cent increase in teenagers drinking in the last 10 years. Reasons for rising liquor consumption among school students include easy money.

Easy availability of imported brands and inadequate parental watch coupled with increased spending power have led to the high consumption of liquor, it said.

It said that most of them took to drinking to be at par with their peer groups.

Higher liquor consumption was witnessed among teenagers in Delhi-NCR and Mumbai followed by Chandigarh and Hyderabad.

"Each year, students spend Rs. 3,500-4,500 on alcohol, more than they spend on soft drinks, tea, milk, juice, coffee, movie tickets or books combined," Assocham said.

About 70 per cent of the teens consume alcohol on occasions like farewell party, New Year, Christmas Valentine's Day and birthdays.

While most of the boys start drinking before college, only 40 per cent of the girls take their first drink between the age of 15 to 17.

Usage of alcohol has resulted in high-risk sexual behaviour, HIV infection and liver disease.

Assocham said parents can prevent their children from drinking by talking to them about ill-influence of alcohol, role modelling and responsible behaviour.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

wah bhai wah.

The house at Malad is owned by Choudhary but he is barred from entering the house by the court.

He went there on the pretext of meeting his daughter Palak.

Indian judiciary khudh ka ghar me barred from entering great decision by indian judiciary. Hail indian judiciary. later judge will sell it and will take his own share through other means. Choudhary bhai go to outlaw and get work done. Law is not working in india anywhere.

A good article worth reading.

dussehra 2010

Hello Friends,

First let me wish you all a happy dussehra 2010. I wish you and family enjoy it to the fullest extent.

This dussehra is a good one to me also. I will share with all of you the good news. I had bought an apartment, a 3 bedroom, puja room, hall, kitchen and 2 varanda apartment for this day. Its totally 1450 sft. I am happy about it. Dussehra 2008 was a different one with some body coming into life. It was happy moment at that point of time. Dussehra 2009 I was in bad shape both in personal life and professional life. God gave me a lesson. This year god gave a good gift. He has brought me back into normal life and also gifted me this. 2014 would be the year i am gunning to buy a house with green around it to settle down. I should thank one person who was behind me to get this thing done. My friend preeti was the person who helped me do it. In fact in 6 months of discussions she was patient enough to answer most of my queries. You have to get it done motive from her added to my zeal to have a house in 3 years from my first house.

I would like thank my brother krishna and brother in law madhu who took special interest in identifying the best property. The one person whom i am waiting eager to tell is vishnu. He is doing good with education. Need to motivate him to do good and continue doing good in education.

Hope next dussehra would be even more rocking.

May lord vishnu bless us all with happiness.

Good inspirational articles & enjoyable.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

proud husband

Proud to see mukesh sitting and listening.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ravi shankar good words

Nature has brought in such a balance. In summer, days are longer and in the winter nights are longer. So somewhere nature maintains that balance. In one place it is cold and elsewhere, it is hot. So heat and cold, day and night, all are brought in some balance in nature. And it is telling you, in so many ways, that you have to balance between activity and rest in life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

ravishankar good words

Happiness is when you want nothing, and you want to give. Where the wanting and desires end, and the sharing begins, happiness is exactly there. Memory is not happiness. When you are happy, you forget everything. It is when happiness is gone that you dwell in its memory. In the world, people are either dreaming of happiness or remembering happiness. That is either being in the past or the future. But happiness is that which is in the present.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tea stall - three friends.

Hello friends,

This particular article in the blog is for only boys and not intended at any body in any way. The place i live has a tea centre just opposite to road. I visit that tea stall quite often. Three boys used to be there coming for tea. Soon we had friendship. The three boys have come in search of a job. One of them first got a job in a small company where as the two didnot have a job. The company was a subsidary of a uk company but very small as they have not moved operations to india in full way. The company didnot have a registered bank for salary and salary used to come as cheques. The remaining two friends kept pulling him what is this company etc. You can get a better job and salary than this. Finally the guy has put down papers. Interviews kept on coming the other two friends got job in two still smaller companies but they sticked to them. Technology doesnot wait for anybody. Time moved forward this guy started becoming outdated on technology. When he was going back to his home town
I advised him dont go by people's provocation. But at same time nothing to loose heart. Learn the new technology and make a good entry. When we are born we know nothing. we learn mother tongue, english, hindi, java, .net , database what not. If we think i cannot do this you cannot. if you think i can do this nothing is impossible. Success comes only when you work for it, failure comes when u find reasons to it. Path is yours. Life is yours. Goals are yours. My friend as I a promised i have put on blog my words whi ch u wanted so that no other fellow will get out of his job. I appreciate your honesty. may lord vishnu bless u with a new job soon.

Pochi my friend.

Hi ra pochi,

Rather than writing an email you may wonder why i am writing a blog. If i write an email it is only between you and me. If i write blog it will help lot. Pochi is one of my friend from whom i learnt lot of things in life. Patience is biggest asset of pochi. 2 days back i was just checking my email. There was an email saying pochiraju rajkumar wants to be a friend with you. Immediately i accepted and it was so nice to see my pochi after so long time. Mind went back to the time when pochi, myself, aparna,murali, prasad were database administrators. Mind went to time when myself NLN and praveen used to go back to home after night duty. NLN for sometime coming on my Kinetic Safari. what a good days they were. Pochi was sqlserver DBA and I was oracle&SQLBase DBA. Very healthy competetion. Had that thing been not there intially in career i would not have attained the levels what i have attained today.Pochi and me having TEA at 11am and 4pm is still fresh in memory. I was a anger fellow but pochi was patient person. I learnt this quality from pochi and it helped me greatly in my personal life. Need to catch NLN so that life will become bed of roses again with trusted friends.

Ravishankar good words

A devotee is higher than the God. This has been said to sing the glory of devotees. In reality, both Guru and disciple are God. To sing the glory of a devotee and to raise the level of a devotee, God himself bends. It is like a father carrying his son on his shoulder, higher than him. If Hanuman was not stronger than Sri Rama, then how would he have helped Sri Rama

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy time.

Three days back i just felt like calling the school to know the marks of vishnu. I knew it is not against any judicial process and will not invoke any new things against me. It is god vishnu that i called at lunch time unknowingly as just one of my meeting got over and moving into other meeting. I called the front desk to ask about marks in quarterly. Suddenly god vishnu made vishnu to be present there. The front desk girl said your father in online and asking for your marks. Vishnu came online. "Hello Daddy" the first word. Daddy i got 100 in maths. I was having fever but still i read sleeping for sometime. Daddy nuvvu naaku laptop konisthanu annavu i will get 100 marks in half yearly and annually also. I said surely I will get you. I am desperately waiting when the next chance to meet him comes. I always encouraged kids with gifts and targets. My sisters sons i used the same technique to get the best by offering psp etc. My apartment i was only successful to some extent. When u try to do the same on elders you wont succeed.
Anyway, good going vishnu. Keep the going strong. May lord vishnu bless you with more and more success.

Ravishankar good words.

Sometimes we feel like giving up, frustrated. It is because of stress. That time do not take any decisions. You may regret it. Come back to yourself first.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ravishankar good words

When your heart opens up tears come, it’s natural. Let it be. It is said in scriptures that tears of love are so precious that even angels run to collect them. Even on heaven, there are no tears of love. The most wonderful thing on the planet, on earth is to have tears of love, tears of gratitude. That indicates that our life is glorious. That makes our life rich and fulfilled. Fulfillment in life is when you have tears of gratitude and that comes by luck. You can’t manufacture tears of gratitude; you can’t put glycerin and have tears of gratitude coming in. When you realize what all you have received in life, your heart opens up.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I made it.

This is a practial thing which goes back to february 2010. I had a geojit account practically started being operative on my birthay at midnight stroke. 3 days later i was sleeping with one of my friend from reliance money and was asking him how much can 1 lakh be grown to. He said in a year upto 3L and if options and risk upto 5L. I took it as a challenge and said let me try if i can do it. And it is good to share that I did 5L in the same reliance moeny account taking good amount of risk but without getting into options.

When i started trading, i went and just opened an account with reliancemoney. I had no practical knowledge of what has to be bought and what has to be sold. If so what is the formula to have a good buy and a good sell. But the thing is opened the account. Started trading, i n fever had any idea. But one thing i knew was data is the key for any trading. so i started making the excel sheets. Then i got the excel sheets preparation outsourced to a person whom i knew, as the intent was making the sheets that person can also learn trading. That went for some days. There was somewhere fault. I found it the amount of trades done. Though the sheets that i used to get from that person were good/excellent but approach was not right. Then modified my way towards the sheets. In the mean time i got a tool by name quotetracker, my reliance money friend jumped in joy when shown that tool. A meaning has come into trading. The sheets got stopped as person decided not to work on them. This made me realize one thing. If any service is taken for free, people wont feel commited towards it. That was the point when vishnu securities was supposed to start. There were some professional problems & personal problems. But the determination remained. In feb 2010 vishnu securities became a reality with 5 employees at chandigarh, chennai, banglore, hyderabad and calcutta. As employment was associated the things started to work in right time, i had partially take role at few times. God willing this number should reach to 10 by next year end. Zoho reports became a word on good number of investors mouth. People started looking 40% return as a sure with this tool.

2 months back i had visited hyderabad and visited one of my student. His wife told that she wants to take job, but my student was saying to take little later as their kid was small. i said why dont u trade from home and earn the money what you earn from job. I asked my student to put 7500 every month into stocks so that she earns. in 2 months she identified one thing, it is better to work from home on stocks and look after husband and kid properly.

In a nutshell,the journey taught to be patient in stock market, helped creating in knowledge base in terms of various sheets, created employment and making homes happy.

Thanks my reliance friend for your challenge has made lot of good things happen.

My next challenge is to repeat it with one of the geojit accounts so that i can live to my sir ghulam dastagir khan's expectations that it should be repeatable. sir i need your blessings to make it happen. i will give my 100% sir.

I want to thank each person personally on who helped on my way to achieve this goal in small or big way. May lord vishnu bless them all.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A funny poem i received in email.

Jo sadiyaon se hota aaya hai
Woh repeat kar doonga...
Tu naa mili to tujhko dil sey
Ctrl+Alt+delete kar doonga...

Company kee ladkiyaan sunder hain
Aur lonely hain...
Problem ye hai ki bus voh
READ-ONLY hain...

Shayad mere pyar ko taste
karna bhool gaye...
Dil sey aisa CUT kiya
ke PASTE karna bhool gaye...

Tumhare samne hain itney items
kabhi hame bhi pick karo...
Hamare pyar ke ICON pe
kabhi to tum DOUBLE-CLICK karo...

Roz subha hum karte hai
itne pyar se unhe good morning...
woh humhe ghoor kar dekhte hain
jaise 0 ERRORS but 5 WARNINGS...
Ho gayi galti humse, click ho gaya mouse
Duniya ki parwaah chhodo, ban jaao meri spouse!

Tumse mila main kal to, mere dil mein hua ek sound,
Lekin aaj tum mili to kehti ho: Your file not found!

Ab aur kaho na tum, "but" ya "if"
Tum ho meri zindagi ki animated .gif

Aysa bhi nahin hai ke, I don't likeyour face
Par dil ke computer mein, nahin hai enough disk space

Ghar se nikalti ho tum jab, pehen ke evening gown
Too many requests se, ho jaata hai server down

Tumhaare liye pyaar ki application, create main karoonga
Tum usay debug karna, wait main karoonga

Tumhaara intezaar karte karte, main so gaya
Yeh dekho mera connection, time out ho gaya

Kya chaal hai tumhaari, jaise chalti hai koi cat
What is your ICQ number, aao karein chat

Tum jabse meri zindagi mein, aayi ho banke female
Yaad raha na ab kuch, na postman, na e-Mail...


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