Hello Friends,
2:16 PM me: It was almost death fight
u are right
will increase frequency of visiting rights from 30 to atleast 60+ in coming one year through courts
2:20 PM mukesh: great Salute for your fight , i understand how person get joy to meet . It was greate historical battle of your life and in spite of many challanges you ultimate got ur sucess. This sucess ,according to me ,more than your education or professional achievement. Really salute to you. You are really inspiration to many more...
2:21 PM me: Believe me you will get your rights on your kid. You can use my case as it has become referencable by high court of AP
2:30 PM mukesh: but really ur struggle was great ........when i saw photograph, this give me joy , think how much to you
2:32 PM me: http://mypage.rediff.com/profile/myprofile?slidesong=yes#!show_video/3594379/4145587
just press this link if video plays for you.
u will say dada , you are a great son and a great father.
grandfather, grandson and myself
So friends work towards your goal with full faith.
Today's article is something which i have tested on myself. Its around 4 years back. Things were not rosy both on personal and professional front. I had one house at malakpet where my parents live. I always wanted to have one more house for my son when he becomes big. Things on the odd side, but faith is that i should do it. Worked on it continously and today made it possible. I wanted the house to be opened by my son. I didnot had visiting rights even on boy. Case was getting dragged. Most of my friends also gave up will it happen. We are fighting against the police community which knows how to keep on twisting the case. Faith that i will do it. Went on fighting the case the result is I had won the visiting rights of my son. But that did not end it. The otherside wanted to harass without giving the boy. Went back to the court with contempt petition, i am sure i will get boy through court police and if god wishes the other party can be sent behind bars for not obeying the court order. See how time changes. There was a day when the otherside tried its level best to put me behind bars and justice won as i won the case and today they can go behind bars. This is what is called as life. It goes on its own terms. In the mean time I met with a very fatal accident on March 19th 2011. I was in ICU but I had only one faith that I will make sure that my son will do house opening and I have to live for it. Today i stand at a place where that is not far off. So friends have faith in what you are doing. There will be lot of people to dilute your stand or disturb you from your goal. Have faith in your capabilities and goal will be reached. Keep thinking of better ways to reach the goal so that it can be achieved when u can relish it. I would share a chat between me and my friend mukesh(mehtamukesh18@gmail.com) which shows how your faith can uplift the faith of other person.
2:15 PM mukesh: It is great joy to see yr photo graph, Except near and dear one ,nobody will realise how much pain you have taken .
2:16 PM me: It was almost death fight
u are right
will increase frequency of visiting rights from 30 to atleast 60+ in coming one year through courts
2:20 PM mukesh: great Salute for your fight , i understand how person get joy to meet . It was greate historical battle of your life and in spite of many challanges you ultimate got ur sucess. This sucess ,according to me ,more than your education or professional achievement. Really salute to you. You are really inspiration to many more...
2:21 PM me: Believe me you will get your rights on your kid. You can use my case as it has become referencable by high court of AP
2:30 PM mukesh: but really ur struggle was great ........when i saw photograph, this give me joy , think how much to you
2:32 PM me: http://mypage.rediff.com/profile/myprofile?slidesong=yes#!show_video/3594379/4145587
just press this link if video plays for you.
u will say dada , you are a great son and a great father.
grandfather, grandson and myself
So friends work towards your goal with full faith.
May lord vishnu bless us all