Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shameful suicide of a friend.

Hello Friends,

Whether it is fate or anything yesterday i wrote the article on short tempers and today got a call from friends saying one of our friend at our old organization has committed suicide. I felt bad. Its a shame.

This friend of mine has bought a new luxury car worth almost 18Lakhs on road few days/month back. His passion for that car is very very high. Driving in the roads of banglore he was very very careful. 3 days back he has completed washing the car and was wiping the water. His son Ayush( I dont want to name this friend as it is a shame and ayush father is good enough for all of us ) who is young came to car and did some scratches on car when he was wiping on the other side of car. Our useless friend lost his temper. He has hit ayush black and blue and little ayush suffered multiple fracturers and admitted in A.V. Hospital in basvannagudi into ICU. All the relatives called and abused him for hitting little ayush so bad in anger. this person has come home went to car and then committed suicide. the scratches on car is i love daddy car. Why the hell such short tempers. If we go out and a auto wala scratches will we do the same thing that we are doing with ayush. Why cannot people control anger before doing such useless mistakes of taking away their lives. Does short temper solve any problem. I am against this suicide and its a shameful act.

what has this done. No insurance coverage because of suicide. The car which he loved will go back because of no emi. The kid is deprived of father. Shame on you my friend.

May god help people with this short temper mentality to come out of this type of thought process and think that life has a meaning.

May lord vishnu bless ayush good recovery and health. Friends please think what can we do to ayush now rather than just extending sympathies. Please I am game with anything.

Short Temper

Hello Friends,

Today's topic is dedicated to a person who used to have a very good informative blog.  This topic of short temper is specifically for that person. That blog was good few topics which i found great were when a boss asks employees to come and see in the box which has mirror asking people to excel otherwise he/she is the hinderance to growth. Then there was a story about a saint who learns something from a thief etc. It is not to excel that I used to derive sometimes positive energy from such a blog. But I was shocked to see that blog was taken out of sheer short tempered anger. That blog as such left out would have done a good job to lot others who read that blog.

Let me put things about short temper if it can help.

Short temper generate harm to you and your surroundings. The main thing to controll short temper is to follow exercise and prayer.First understand what is the reason for short temper and do follow things like breathing exercise, relaxation, prayer, not to shout with others etc., Be patient and follow the tips in a proper way to make your life peaceful and also make yourself perfect.

Sometime many of us go down our displeasure nothing but temper, scream at people including our relatives and then feel sorrow of it. But remember “words are thorny than a sword”. One thing cannot be changed, that is a word spoken out by someone. It cannot be taken back and it can kill a person’s humor with a weapon. His life will become sorrowful through out by a bad word spoken by someone, which could generate a wound in his heart. To keep good relationship words should be used very carefully. Short temper originates harm to oneself and also for others who love others.

Make an important note to understand about short temper because it a serious problem and it should be detached from your personality forever

Please do follow the following control methods to control your short temper:

Everyday do breathing exercise for about 20 minutes. First start your exercise with 3-5 minutes and then increase it to 20 minutes. Exercise makes a man perfect. Breathing exercise should be done in a proper way. It is a very powerful exercise. Better have suggestions with your physician before starting breathing exercise to clear your doubts because it should be done in a proper manner. Breathing exercise keeps you peaceful through out your day.

•You can sit somewhere and spend your time to relax yourself and can think about your blessings, your success, your good qualities, etc., You can really feel the happiness. You should definitely need to make it happen.

•Many times you scream with others for something with no reason and commit more mistakes. This shows that you are not a perfect person so don’t shout with others.

•The important thing to control short temper is patient. Think about 2 good qualities of the person who make you to get angry. If the person did not done anything good to you then think about your best blessings you have in your life then your mind will definitely come calm. Practice it in your life when you get angry.

•The perfect solution to get relief from short temper is “prayer”. Prayer makes all things good to you. Remember that prayer heals everything. Prayer is the eternal power to spend sometime with God. It is not necessary to go to church or temple or mosque to pray. Sit in home itself and spend time with God then you will really feel the peace within yourself.

If it can help that person to conquer his short temper the purpose of this blog is fulfilled.

May lord vishnu bless us all above short templer.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Positive thinking for someone special.

This article is dedicated to a special person as I thought just saying think positive, I wanted to help how to think positive. If ego is going to take that person not to accept positive thinking it is upto them. But in life decisions taken in haste always prove wrong in long run is what i could say.

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity.
It is quite common to hear people say: "Think positive!", to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means?
The following story illustrates how this power works:
  Raja applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Raja manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews.
His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles.
During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job.
Kumar applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job.
In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time.
He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Raja.
What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our mind's eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside.
Positive and negative thinking are both contagious.
All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.
Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.

Practical Instructions

In order to turn the mind toward the positive, inner work and training are required. Attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.
Read about this subject, think about its benefits and persuade yourself to try it. The power of thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping our life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange give it a try, as you have nothing to lose, but only to gain. Ignore what others might say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think.
Always visualize only favorable and beneficial situations. Use positive words in your inner dialogues or when talking with others. Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively. Disregard any feelings of laziness or a desire to quit. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks.
Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. The negative thought will try again to enter your mind, and then you have to replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you choose to look at one of them and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.
In case you feel any inner resistance when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.
It does not matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. It may take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they do.
Another method to employ is the repetition of affirmations. It is a method which resembles creative visualization, and which can be used in conjunction with it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sachin and Vasthu

Writing this gives immense satisfaction. This is the vasthu exercise carried out with my friend Sachin of Reliance Money. We had done the Vasthu exercise for almost 10 hours. We identified the location from where sachin should sit and operate. Then calling the necessary electrician, plumber etc and  changes made about. we have decided to give it a try for 2 months. One thing we are really happy. We carried entire exercise on ourselves after collecting the entire material needed. People may think good or bad or anything but it is good to see we have made it.

May lord vishnu bless all with good life.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

peace of mind

Most people would be glad to have some peace of mind in their life. They would be happy to forget their troubles, problems and worries, and enjoy a few moments of inner calmness and freedom from obsessing thoughts.
What is peace of mind? It is a state of inner calmness and tranquility, together with a sense of freedom, when thoughts and worries cease, and there is no stress, strain or fear. Such moments are not so rare. They may be experienced while being engaged in some kind of an absorbing or interesting activity, such as while watching an interesting movie or TV program, while being with someone you love, while reading a book or while lying on the sand at the beach.
When you are on vacation, do you experience some sort of mental numbness? At this time the mind becomes calmer, with fewer thoughts and fewer worries. Even while you are deeply asleep, not aware of your thoughts, you are in a state of inner peace.
Such and similar activities take away the mind from its usual thoughts and worries, and bring some temporary inner peace.
The question is, how to bring more peace of mind into our life, and more importantly, how to experience it in times of trouble. You might also ask whether it is possible to make it a habit, and enjoy it always and under all circumstances. First, you need to learn to bring more moments of inner peace into your daily life. Later, you will be able to experience these moments in times of trouble or difficulties too, when you most need inner calmness and tranquility.
You can turn peace of mind into a natural habit, but to do so, special training is required, through concentration exercises, meditation and other means.
Here are a few simple things that can help you:
  • Reduce the amount of time you read the newspapers or watch the news on TV.
  • Stay away from negative conversations and from negative people.
  • Don't hold grudges. Learn to forget and forgive. Nurturing ill feelings and grievances hurts you and causes lack of sleep.
  • Don't be jealous of others. Being jealous means that you have low self-esteem and consider yourself inferior to others. This again, causes lack of inner peace.
  • Accept what cannot be changed. This saves a lot of time, energy and worries.
  • Every day we face numerous inconveniences, irritations and situations that are beyond our control. If we can change them, that's fine, but this is not always possible. We must learn to put up with such things and accept them cheerfully.
  • Learn to be more patient and tolerant with people and events.
  • Don't take everything too personally. Some emotional and mental detachment is desirable. Try to view your life and other people with a little detachment and less involvement. Detachment is not indifference, lack of interest or coldness. It is the ability to think and judge impartially and logically. Don't worry if again and again you fail to manifest detachment. Just keep trying.
  • Let bygones be gone. Forget the past and concentrate on the present moment. There is no need to evoke unpleasant memories and immerse yourself in them.
  • Practice some concentration exercises. This will help you to reject unpleasant thoughts and worries that steal away your peace of mind.
  • Learn to practice meditation. Even a few minutes a day will make a change in your life.
Inner peace ultimately leads to external peace. By creating peace in our inner world, we bring it into the external world, affecting other people too.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Annual Review

.Hi Friends,

Time to review annual things from birthday to birthday. Lot of good things to post which gives immense happiness.

1. the site which was started by my friend sachin prasad has completed six months of service to lot of investors. My friend was an aggressive person in investing but now he is matured in investing. Its such a happy site to see somebody going through the maturity curve. He will be settling in life too soon and I wish to see him prosper more in his coming days.

2. The person who kept on working with me from past 4 years in mutual funds, investment plans etc from has finally bought a own house in navi mumbai. I still remember the way she used to have high ego to today's levels where she has feet firmly on ground. Very happy to see that she bought a car and house in one year and giving the whole credit to kumar for just guidance.  The target now is to make sure the homeloan is totally cleared by 2020. I sincerly wish god will stand on her side to clear the loan by 2020.

3. The third person whom i am happy is a person who is now at HP who used to called me bhai(brother). Happy to see that she has settled in her personal life from last 150 days. Living with her husband and carrying life forward. Happy to see the person who used to call bhai is happy. I wish god will proper her with success and joy. One thing i forgot she must have been a proud owner of a car too.

4. The two young employees of vishnu vallabh one at hyderabad and one at chandigarh doing good with their new roles. Happy to see them being groomed to the best. Making sure that they learn some process and which should help them through out their life whether married, settled or working. I wish the hand extends upto 10 people in next 3 years.

5. The Pav bhaji team of young guys. They were very shy when they had to start the business. But today they are a brand by themselves at koperkhairne. Hope to see them make a shop of their own in coming years.

6. This girl now from Ambala was always ready to spill posion types. At one time she called saying i want to kill my husband late in night. pacified her with good words. I still remember it was one of my longest STD Calls for a person on pacification. The latest news of that she settled back gives pleasure. She had a good quality called following the process. I got her into investment mode with little investments and today when i see her returns at 25% per annum. i am happy. may be 2 years into investments she can start looking at consistent returns.

Kotak Tax Saver-G 12-12-07 908.484 11.5577 10,499.99 14,467.61 3,967.62 0.000 25.16

I wish her best future.

7. Dhumal joining BEST as driver and being blessed with kid.

8. My friend vast being blessed with a baby boy, i have small vasu to groom.

There were failures also.

My trial for vishnu is still eluding. My trials to get visiting rights will atleat materialize this year( still hoping and giving my best of the fight).

Hoping to see that we have much more to share with you on next birthday i remain.

May lord vishnu bless us all with happiness and prosperity.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


The philosophy of Nonduality, or as it is called in India, Advaita-Vedanta, says that there is just One Spirit in the Universe, and that everything, living or inanimate, is an inseparable and indivisible part of this One Spirit. Nonduality further says that it is only illusion, caused by the mind and the play of the senses, which makes us regard the world and everything in it, as real and separate from us.
For someone not familiar with this philosophy, it might sound strange and even weird, but once understood, it can completely change one's attitude and perspective about life.
Imagine a state, in which you feel oneness with the Universe, enjoying bliss and peace of mind, and at the same time acting and functioning normally in your day-to-day life. A state of being active in the world, but at the same time maintaining a state of inner detachment. Being aware of your oneness with the One Spirit, and also aware that the One Spirit is acting and manifesting through everything, matter, plants, trees, animals and people. This is the experience of nonduality in its highest form.
Our thoughts and five senses draw the mind outside, to the external world, and obscure the awareness of the consciousness that is beyond the mind. Through meditation, we gain inner peace and the ability to silence the mind and lift up the obscuring veil of thoughts. In this state of inner silence we rise above the illusion of identification with the mind, thoughts and ego, get beyond the illusion of separateness, and realize the oneness with the One Spirit. It is as if a new sort of consciousness dawns, and we see the world in a different way.
With this kind of consciousness we are able to allow the mind to be active or silent at our command. It becomes our faithful servant, instead of being our master. We act in the material world, yet our roots are in pure, calm and limitless consciousness, which is not attached to anything and not limited by anything. In this state, we live and view the world from the nonduality point of view.
Though in our day-today life we regard other people, as separate from us, as separate units, this is only a mental viewpoint, convenient for functioning in our day to day life. From a higher state of consciousness, all are One, and the terms "I", "you", "he", "she" and "they" are not real. There is only the One Spirit, Consciousness, which manifests in limitless forms and ways. The external forms may be different, but the Spirit within them is one undivided Spirit. It is the mind, which lets us believe and feel that we are separate from others, but we are all part of the same One Spirit manifesting and expressing itself through diffrent forms.
The concept of nonduality is not a strange or weird idea. It can be experienced and lived right here and now, no matter where you are, and without attracting anybody's attention. It is an inner state of consciousness, not an external state.
It is possible to realize and experience the meaning of nonduality in an ashram or a cave, and it is also equally possible to do so while living in a town or city, with family and a job. This requires dedication, an open mind, inner work, and turning the mind inwards.
Most people cannnot afford to leave everything behind, in order to meditate and lead a purely spiritual life. Theye need to work and support their family, and can therefore devote only part of the day to spiritual pursuits. The good news is that you can walk on the inner path of spirituality and nonduality, meditation and self realization, without abandoning your family, job or external life style. With proper planning, it is possible to find the time and the energy for the inner work.
Meditation and walking on the spiritual path, which can lead to understanding and experiencing nonduality, can be practiced anywhere, without making external changes in your life. You can stay with your job and family, and still make spiritual progress and realize the true meaning nonduality.
Look within you, be aware of what is going in your mind, search for the source of your thoughts and where they come from, learn to make your mind peaceful, and you will start to be aware of your true essence and the consciousness beyond your mind. This will lead to understanding what nonduality is. What can help? A peaceful mind, concentration, meditation, reading of spiritual literaure, and when possible, the proximity and guidance of true spiritual teachers.

Achieving Your Dreams And Goals -Turning dreams into reality

Achieving your dreams and goals depends on several factors:
1. You should have a specific goal.
2. You have to be sure that you really want to achieve your goal.
3. You need to have a clear mental image of your goal.
4. You need a strong desire.
5. You need to disregard and reject doubts and thoughts about failure.
6. Show confidence and faith and persevere until you gain success
How many people fulfill all the above-mentioned requirements? Just a few! Most people do not know that there are some laws governing success, which should be followed.
It is so easy and simple to daydream and then say, "Well it is just a daydream. It will never come true". It is so easy to give up due to lack of faith.
Achieving your goals shouldn't be a tough ordeal. In fact, it can be fun and pleasure, if you go in the right way. It is not hard physical work that brings success. Great success does not require hard physical labor. In fact, you need to do mental work.
Visualization and repeating affirmations make up this mental work, and are important stepping stones to achieving success. When you visualize and affirm you focus and channel your energies toward your goal. Your mind is geared toward finding solutions to bring your goal into manifestation.
By thinking in a positive manner on your goal, and not letting any doubts enter your mind, your intuition starts working, you see opportunities, and you have energy at your disposal to follow your goals and dreams.
Some people listen to subliminal messages, for programming their minds for success. There are many CD's available today, which implant subliminal messages into the mind, so as to activate its power. Some people prefer to use them, because this does not require any effort on their part. It is said that these subliminal messages, which go straight to the subconscious mind, bring faster results. Maybe they do, but then you have no control on what goes into your mind.
When you visualize and affirm your goals, you gain much more then just programming your mind passively with subliminal messages. The attention, intention and energy you channel toward visualizing and affirming, develop in you inner strength, concentration, willpower and self-discipline. You actively develop your inner powers.
One of the advantages of visualization and affirmations is that you can use them wherever you are, at any time, without the necessity of any external instruments. All you need is your mind.
Success appears in various ways, sometimes in a miraculous way, sometimes in an ordinary way, and sometimes through an opportunity that appears. A door opens, but you have to get in and take advantage of the opportunity.
Correctly following these methods will bring you more ambition, inspiration and motivation, which would enhance your chances of success.
Remember, there are big goals and there are many small daily goals, which visualization and affirmations can make them easier and faster to achieve.
People often erroneously think that goals mean only big goals, such as:
becoming wealthy,
getting an expensive car,
possessing a big house with a swimming pool,
building a very successful business.
The truth is that the following are no less important goals:
getting to work on time,
spending more time with the family,
reading a book,
going to see a movie,
eating less.
How do you visualize and affirm?
Are there any special rules and instructions?
Yes, there are!

Like any other subject, if you want to do it right you need to study it right. It is simple and easy to learn to achieve success through visualization and affirmations. Anyone can learn to use them right.

Will Power and Self Discipline

Sometimes, you wish to go for a walk, knowing how good it is for your health and how wonderful you feel afterwards, yet, you feel too lazy, and prefer to watch TV instead. You might be aware of the fact that you need to change your eating habits or stop smoking, yet, you don't have the inner power and persistence to change these habits.
Does this sound familiar? How many times have you said, "I wish I had will power and self discipline"? How many times have you started to do something, only to quit after a short while? We all have had experiences like these.
Everyone possesses some addictions or habits they wish they could overcome, such as smoking, excessive eating, laziness, procrastination or lack of assertiveness. To overcome these habits or addictions, one needs to have will power and self discipline. They make a great difference in everyone's life, and bring inner strength, self mastery and decisiveness.

Definitions of Will Power and Self Discipline
Will power is the ability to overcome laziness and procrastination. It is the ability to control or reject unnecessary or harmful impulses. It is the ability to arrive to a decision and follow it with perseverance until its successful accomplishment. It is the inner power that overcomes the desire to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits, and the inner strength that overcomes inner emotional and mental resistance for taking action. It is one of the corner stones of success, both spiritual and material.
Self-discipline is the companion of will power. It endows with the stamina to persevere in whatever one does. It bestows the ability to withstand hardships and difficulties, whether physical, emotional or mental. It grants the ability to reject immediate satisfaction, in order to gain something better, but which requires effort and time.
Everyone has inner, unconscious, or partly conscious impulses, making them say or do things they later regret saying or doing. On many occasions people do not think before they talk or act. By developing these two powers, one becomes conscious of the inner, subconscious impulses, and gains the ability to reject them when they are not for his/her own good.
Will power and self-discipline help us to choose our behavior and reactions, instead of being ruled by them. Their possession won't make life dull or boring. On the contrary, you will feel more powerful, in charge of yourself and your surroundings, happy and satisfied.
How many times have you felt too weak, lazy or shy to do something you wanted to do? You can gain inner strength, initiative and the ability to make decisions and follow them. Believe me, it is not difficult to develop these two powers. If you are earnest and are willing to become stronger, you will certainly succeed.
In this article you will find some exercises and techniques for developing these abilities. These simple, but effective exercises, can be performed everywhere and at any time. Go slowly and gradually, and you will see how you get stronger and your life start improving.
There is a misconception in the public mind regarding will power. It is erroneously thought to be something strenuous and difficult, and that one has to exert and tense the body and mind when expressing it. It is a completely wrong concept. This is one of the reasons why people avoid using it, though they are conscious of its benefits. They acknowledge the fact that the employment of will power in their life and affairs will greatly help them, and that they need to strengthen it, yet they do nothing about it.
Will power gets stronger by holding back and not allowing the expression of unimportant, unnecessary and unhealthy thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. If this saved energy is not allowed expression, it is stored inside you like a battery, and it becomes available at the time of need. By practicing appropriate exercises, you develop your powers the same way, as a person who trains his/her muscles in order to strengthen them.

Developing Will Power and Self Discipline
An effective method for developing and improving these abilities is to perform certain actions or activities, which you would rather avoid doing due to laziness, procrastination, weakness, shyness, etc. By doing something that you do not like doing or are too lazy to do, you overcome your subconscious resistance, train your mind to obey you, strengthen your inner powers and gain inner strength. Muscles get stronger by resisting the power of the barbells. Inner strength is attained by overcoming inner resistance.
Remember, strengthening one of these abilities, automatically strengthens the other one.

Here are a few exercises:
1) You are sitting in a bus or train and an old man or woman, or a pregnant lady walks in. Stand up and give up your seat even if you prefer to stay seated. Do this not just because it is polite, but because you are doing something that you are reluctant to do. In this way you are overcoming the resistance of your body, mind and feelings.

2) There are dishes in the sink that need washing, and you postpone washing them for later. Get up and wash them now. Do not let your laziness overcome you. When you know that in this way you are developing your will power, and if you are convinced of the importance of will power in your life, it will be easier for you to do whatever you have to do.
3) You come home tired from work and sit in front of the T.V. because you feel too lazy and tired to go and wash. Do not obey the desire to just sit, but go and have a shower
4) You may know your body needs some physical exercise, but instead you keep on sitting doing nothing or watching a movie. Get up and walk, run or do some other physical exercise.
5) Do you like your coffee with sugar? Then for a whole week decide to drink it without sugar. You like to drink three cups of coffee each day? For a week drink only two.
6) Sometimes, when you want to say something that is not important, decide not to say it.
7) Don't read some unimportant gossip in the newspaper, even if you want to.
8) You have a desire to eat something not too healthy. For the sake of the exercise refuse the desire.
9) If you find yourself thinking unimportant, unnecessary, negative thoughts, try to develop lack of interest in them, by thinking about their futility.
10) Overcome your laziness. Convince yourself of the importance of what is to be done. Convince your mind that you gain inner strength when you act and do things, in spite of laziness, reluctance or senseless inner resistance.
Never say that you cannot follow the above exercises, because you certainly can. Be persistent no matter what. Motivate yourself by thinking about of the importance of performing the exercises, and the inner power and strength you will gain.
Trying to attempt too many exercises when you are still a beginner, might end in disappointment. It is better to start training yourself through easier exercises at first, and gradually increase the number and difficulty of the exercises. Practice will improve and increase your power, giving you a lot of satisfaction.
Most of these exercises can be practiced anywhere, anytime. You do not have to devote special times for them. Believe me, they are very effective. Practicing them enables you to be strong and exercise will power and self-discipline in everything you do. This power would become available whenever needed.
If you practice weight lifting, running or doing aerobics, you strengthen your body. When you need to move something heavy, you have the strength for it. By studying French each day, you will be able to talk French when you travel to France. The same thing happens with will power and self-discipline. By strengthening them, they become available whenever they are needed.
It is important to remember not to choose exercises that might affect adversely your body or health. Deny and give up what is not necessary, futile or is harmful, but not what is vital for your well being. Always use your reason and common sense, so that you do no damage to yourself.
If for the sake of an exercise, you stop doing something that you usually do, and overcome the inner resistance concerning it, you may resume doing it, if it is not harmful. For example, if you love drinking orange juice, and for the sake of an exercise you switch to drinking apple juice, after doing so for some time and after it makes no great difference to you, you may go back to drinking orange juice, if you still like it. The point here is to develop inner strength, not making life difficult for you or continue doing things you don't like to do.

Advantages of Possessing Strong Will Power and Self Discipline
You need both of them in order to rule your thoughts and to be the boss of your mind. The stronger they are, the more control you have over your thoughts, and consequently your powers of concentration get stronger.
When you are the master of your mind you enjoy inner peace and happiness. Outer events do not sway you, and circumstances have no power over your peace of mind. This might sound too unreal for you, but experience will prove to you that all the above is true.
These abilities are essential for self growth, spiritual growth and meditation. They give you control over your daily life, help you improve your habits and behavior, and they are the keys to every success.
Practice the exercises presented here earnestly and persistently, and you will go really far

Elephant and the fly.

A disciple and his teacher were walking through the forest. The disciple was disturbed by the fact that his mind was in constant unrest.
He asked his teacher: "Why most people's minds are restless, and only a few possess a calm mind? What can one do to still the mind?"
The teacher looked at the disciple, smiled and said:
"I will tell you a story. An elephant was standing and picking leaves from a tree. A small fly came, flying and buzzing near his ear. The elephant waved it away with his long ears. Then the fly came again, and the elephant waved it away once more".
This was repeated several times. Then the elephant asked the fly:
"Why are you so restless and noisy? Why can't you stay for a while in one place?"
The fly answered: "I am attracted to whatever I see, hear or smell. My five senses pull me constantly in all directions and I cannot resist them. What is your secret? How can you stay so calm and still?"
The elephant stopped eating and said:
"My five senses do not rule my attention. Whatever I do, I get immersed in it. Now that I am eating, I am completely immersed in eating. In this way I can enjoy my food and chew it better. I rule and control my attention, and not the other way around."
Upon hearing these words, the disciple's eyes opened wide and a smile appeared on his face. He looked at his teacher and said:
"I understand! If my five senses are in control of my mind and attention, then my mind is in constant unrest. If I am in charge of my five senses and attention, then my mind becomes calm".
"Yes, that's right", answered the teacher, " The mind is restless and goes wherever the attention is. Control your attention, and you control your mind".

Heart attack signs you should not ignore

Did you know that taking an aspirin when you suffer a heart attack may save your life, or that the symptoms differ significantly for men and women? Read on to learn all about recognising a heart attack and what you can do by way of prevention and treatment.

The number of people suffering from heart disease and stroke is steadily on the rise. Millions around the world suffer heart attacks each year and many of these cases are fatal. As we age and our bodies change, the heart weakens and the possibility of an attack increases significantly. But for many patients, simply knowing that they are having a heart attack can save their lives.

What is a heart attack?

A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction (MI) or acute myocardial infarction (AMI), is the popular term for a sudden pain in the chest, accompanied by breathing difficulty arising from certain heart conditions.

The heart is a muscle like any other in the body, which needs oxygen to allow it to work. The arteries (called coronary arteries) that supply blood to the heart muscle may get blocked, which prevents enough oxygen from getting to the heart. This interruption in the blood supply to the heart leads to an attack and causes damage (the heart muscle dies or becomes permanently damaged). The more time that passes without treatment to restore the blood flow, the greater the damage.

The phrase 'heart attack' is sometimes used incorrectly to describe sudden cardiac arrest, which may or may not be the result of acute myocardial infarction. A heart attack is different from, but can be the cause of cardiac arrest (stopping of the heartbeat) and cardiac arrhythmia (an abnormal heartbeat). Sudden cardiac arrest may occur when an electrical disturbance in the heart disrupts its pumping action and causes blood to stop flowing to the rest of the body.

What are the risk factors that increase chances of a heart attack?

The following conditions increase your chances of suffering a heart attack:

High blood pressure

High blood cholesterol



Being physically inactive


Diabetes (high blood sugar)

Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

Having a parent with a history of coronary heart disease puts you at a higher heart attack risk, especially if your father had a heart attack before age 55 and/or mother had a heart attack before age 65.

What are the warning signs of a heart attack?

According to experts, the body is likely to send out one or more of these warning signals during a heart attack:

Chest discomfort: Most heart attacks involve uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in the center of the chest lasting more than a few minutes.

Discomfort in other areas of the upper body: This includes sudden weakness in your arm/s, shoulder/s, neck, jaw or back. Pain may range from mild to intense.

Shortness of breath: Gasping or shortness of breath that gets worse when lying flat. It often comes after chest discomfort, but it can also occur before chest discomfort.

Anxiety: You may feel a sense of imminent doom or have a panic attack for no apparent reason. You may also suffer loss of speech, have trouble talking or understanding speech and experience blurring or loss of vision.

Light-headedness: You may feel dizzy or like you're about to pass out.

Sweating: You may suddenly break into a cold sweat.

Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, indigestion or unusual/unexplained fatigue.

It must be noted, however, that the symptoms of a heart attack vary. Not all people experience the same symptoms or experience them to the same extent when they have a heart attack. Some people have no symptoms at all, a condition called a silent heart attack. A silent heart attack is more common in women, people over the age of 75 or people with diabetes.

Many people who experience a heart attack have warning signs and symptoms hours, days or even weeks in advance. Recurrent chest pain (angina) triggered by exertion is the earliest warning of a heart attack caused by a temporary decrease in blood flow to the heart. It may manifest as heartburn-like symptoms which can easily be ignored or mistaken for indigestion.

Women often experience different heart attack symptoms than men, but cardiologists don't yet know why the difference occurs. Women are more likely to experience symptoms like unusual fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, indigestion and anxiety. Most doctors, however, continue to consider chest pain as the most important heart attack symptom in both women and men. Women are also less likely than men to believe that they are having a heart attack. As a result, they are more likely to delay seeking medical attention.

What should I do if I'm having a heart attack?

A heart attack is a medical emergency which demands immediate attention. Call your local emergency number for an ambulance to take you to the hospital right away. If you don't have access to emergency medical services, have someone drive you to the nearest hospital. While you are waiting for help to arrive, you can take an aspirin, as it reduces the damage to your heart by making your blood less likely to clot. However, aspirin can interact with other medications, so don't take an aspirin unless emergency medical personnel or your doctor recommend it. You can also take nitroglycerin if your doctor has prescribed it.

Reading these signs is very crucial. When having a heart attack, every minute counts. If you are facing any of these symptoms, it is important to get to hospital fast. Many people who act quickly and get to the hospital in time recover and return to living a normal life.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who Controls Your Mind

Few people are aware of the thoughts that pass through their minds. Thinking is performed like a habit, in an automatic manner. If the thoughts are positive, then it is all right, but if they are negative, they may cause trouble.
The mind is like small child, who accepts and takes for granted whatever it sees or hears, without judgment and without considering the consequences. If you let your mind behave as it likes and give it complete freedom, you lose your freedom.
We are constantly flooded with thoughts, ideas and information coming through the five senses, other people, the newspapers and TV. These thoughts, ideas and information penetrate the mind whether we are aware of this process or not.
This outside flow influences our behavior and reactions. It influences the way we think, our preferences, likes and dislikes. This means that we let outside powers shape our lives. So where is freedom?
Most people think and believe that their thoughts originate from them, but have they ever stopped and considered whether their thoughts, desires, likes and dislikes are really theirs? Maybe they have come from the outside, and they have unconsciously accepted them as their own?
If there is no filter to process the thoughts that enter the mind, there is no freedom. Then all actions are like the actions of a puppet on a string, though no one will admit it.
You may object and say that the thoughts that pass through your mind are yours, but are they? Have you deliberately and attentively created every thought that entered your mind?
Why let outside influences control your mind and life? Why let other people's thoughts control your life and mind? Do you want to make your mind free or do you prefer to enslave it to other people's opinions and thoughts? If you leave your mind open to every thought that passes by, you put our life in other people's hands, and without realizing it, you accept their thoughts and act in accordance with them.
Each person is more susceptible to certain kind of thoughts than others. Certain thoughts and ideas we ignore, and others spur us to immediate action. Thoughts concerning subjects we love have more power on us than other thoughts, but even thoughts and ideas that we don't care about, if we are frequently exposed to them, eventually sink into the subconscious mind and influence us.
Everyone has desires, ambitions and dreams that he or she may foster from childhood. They may be the thoughts of parents, teachers and friends, and which have lodged into our minds, and are carried around throughout our lives. Are they necessary? Do we need all this excessive baggage?
In order to reduce the power of outside influences and thoughts on your life, you need to be aware of the thoughts and desires that enter your mind, and ask yourself whether you really like them, and are willing to accept them into your life. Analyze your motives and actions, and you will be surprised to find out that many of them were triggered by outside influences.
You do not have to accept each and every thought, idea or information. Think and find out whether you entertain certain thoughts because you decided to do so, or because they just popped into your head due to outside influences.
Learn not to accept every thought that you encounter. Find first whether it is for your own good to follow it. It may not be so easy at the start, because the mind will revolt against this control. If you want to be the master of your mind and life, you should not let other people's thoughts, desires and motives rule your life, unless you consciously choose so.

Thanks Madhu for a good one.



Mind Power and Success

The mind plays an important role in achieving every kind of success and goal, minor, everyday goals or major goals.
With minor or day-to-day goals, one usually knows what he wants to do or get, but when it comes to major goals, most people don't know what they really desire. They desire to do something big, but they don't know what. You may have a vague idea, but this is not enough. To accomplish anything, and to use your mind power, you have to know exactly what it is you want to do. To focus your mind power on a goal, you need to have a clear and well defined goal. How do you go about that?
You have first to think or meditate, to find out what is it that you want to accomplish or gain. For this you need focused and clear thinking. This ability can be improved and strengthened by practice.
After discovering what you really want to accomplish, you need to come up with a plan for action. You need to know what you have to do first and how to proceed. All of this requires planning, which means using the power of the mind.
After deciding on a goal and coming up with a plan, you need to hold in your mind a clear mental image of your goal. You need to see it accomplished. This step requires that you use your imagination, which is another power of the mind. Not everyone can visualize clear mental images, but regular training of the imagination can do wonders. You may, for example, look at photos of what you want to achieve, and then close your eyes, and try to see it in your imagination. This will enhance your ability to visualize.
At this point you have to display patience, self-discipline and the power to persist in your efforts. This requires a one pointed mind.
Affirmations are another useful mental tool for you to use. What you affirm sinks into the subconscious mind, becomes part of the subconscious mind, and consequently affects your behavior and actions. If your affirmations are positive, they lead you to success.
Another important power of the mind is thought transference. You need to be able to transmit your thoughts to other people, who would aid you with your plans. Often, you have to persuade others to invest in your plans or to help you in other ways. It is not enough just to talk with them, you need to believe in what you are saying; you need to be enthusiastic and persuasive, otherwise they won't listen and won't care. You need to be able to reject your and their doubts. To be able to do so, you need concentration, control over your thoughts, willpower, self-discipline and patience. All these are mental tools and skills.
Motivation is another mental and emotional power that you require. How can you achieve anything if you are not motivated enough? To increase your motivation and enthusiasm, think often of your goal, about its advantages and benefits, and how it will change your life. Doing so, will strengthen and your motivation.
Your thoughts, which are part of your mind, possess power. The thoughts that you most often think tend to come true. If you pour your mental energy into the same thoughts or mental images day after day, they will become stronger and stronger, and would consequently affect your attitude, expectations, behavior and actions. These thoughts and mental images can even be subconsciously perceived by other people, who would then offer you help or opportunities. Your thoughts can also create what is usually termed as coincidence. They can attract into your life corresponding events, situations and opportunities.
Not every thought turns into reality. A thought has to be repeated often, and be tinged with emotions, in order to come true. Doubts fears and worries tend to destroy what you build with the power of your mind. This means that you need to clear your mind of negative thoughts and doubts.

May lord vishnu bless us all with good mind power and success.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thanks Madhu for sharing

Speech from an Investment Banker turned author…

Speech by Chetan Bhagat at Symbiosis:

Don’t just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use the word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order.

There is no point of getting a promotion on the day of your breakup. There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts. Shopping is not enjoyable if your mind is full of tensions.

"Life is one of those races in nursery school where you have to run with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same is with life where health and relationships are the marble. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in your life. Else, you may achieve the success, but this spark, this feeling of being excited and alive, will start to die.…

One thing about nurturing the spark - don't take life seriously. Life is not meant to be taken seriously, as we are really temporary here. We are like a pre-paid card with limited validity. If we are lucky, we may last another 50 years. And 50 years is just 2,500 weekends. Do we really need to get so worked up? …

It's ok, bunk a few classes, scoring low in couple of papers, goof up a few interviews, take leave from work, fall in love, little fights with your spouse. We are people, not programmed devices....

"Don't be serious, Be sincere." !!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Good moral story- thanks sheela

From: sheela

Subject: Visa


Good Morning... Have a nice day ahead...

In a poor zoo of India , a lion was frustrated as he was offered not more

than 1 kg of meat a day.

The lion thought its prayers were answered. when one day a Dubai Zoo


visited the zoo and requested the zoo management to shift the lion to Dubai


The lion was so happy and started thinking of a central A/C environment, a

goat or two every day.

On its first day after arrival, the lion was offered a big bag, sealed very

nicely for breakfast. The lion opened it quickly but was shocked to see

that it contained few bananas. The lion thought that may be they cared too

much for him as they were worried about his stomach as he had recently

shifted from India .

The next day the same thing happened. On the third day again the same food

bag of bananas was delivered.

The lion was so furious; it stopped the delivery boy and blasted at him,'

don't you know I am the lion...king of the Jungle..., what's wrong with

your management? What nonsense is this? Why are you delivering bananas to


The delivery boy politely said, 'Sir, I know you are the king of the jungle

.... but... you have been brought here on a monkey's visa !!! '

Moral of the Story ..... Better to be a Lion in your own country than a

Monkey elsewhere

Thanks Sheela. A great lesson for me too in person.

From: sheela Noronha
Subject: We never do this because we have brains !!!! ???


Worth a Read.... Realy a great Thought

It was a Sports Stadium.

Eight Children were standing on the track to participate in a running event.

* Ready! * Steady! * Bang !!!

With the sound of Toy pistol, All eight girls started running.

Hardly had they covered ten to fifteen steps, when one of the smaller girls slipped and fell down, Due to bruises and pain she started crying.

When the other seven girls heard the little girl cry they stopped running, stood for a while and turned back.

Seeing the girl on the track they all ran to help.

One among them bent down, picked her up and kissed her gently And inquired as to how she was.. They then lifted the fallen girl pacifying her.

Two of them held her firmly while all seven joined hands together and walked together towards the winning post........ .. There was pin drop silence at the spectator's stand. Officials were shocked.

Slow claps multiplied to thousands as the spectators stood up in appreciation. Many eyes were filled with tears And perhaps even God's!

YES.!! This happened in Hyderabad [ INDIA ], recently!

The sport was conducted by National Institute For Mental Health

All these special girls had come to participate in this event, They were spastic children. Yes, they were Mentally Challenged.

What did they teach the WORLD.?



Equality among all.??

Successful people help others who are slow in learning

So that they are not left far behind.

This is really a great message... Spread it.!

We never do this because we have brains !!!! ???

Have a nice day.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

chakde india- set max peh.

Hello Friends,

Today i watched the movie chakde india again on setmax. I love this movie for many reasons. 

First, kabir khan blamed for his religion of india pakisthan match.

second. The principles he sticks to saying we are playing for india and not individual states.
third. The motivation he gets into the side. Whether house or team it should have motivational leader to succeed.

Fourth: commitment to his work.

Fifth planning: the last penalty where says vidya stand where you are. Iska stick is showing left, leg is showing right. She will hit straight. Superb.

Finally the dream of making the team into world champions.

Even in personal life we see people who are driven towards results. we may treat them as guys who cannot enjoy etc. But it is those people who carry dreams of lots of people on their shoulders.

Let us respect those people if we cannot become one.

May lord vishnu bless all of us with efficient and capable leaders like kabir khan in every field which directly or indirectly touches us.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Importance of Proper guidance with cross checks.

Hello Friends,

Today 's topic is something which is close to my heart. Lot of us hear about people getting success and people getting failed and then giving credit or taking away credit from fate etc.

Today we join our kids in schools and also appoint a tution teacher etc and feel that our job is done. It can go to engineering levels too or appearing for those exams too. If you ask somebody have u done your job the answer comes i had done what all i could do but still he has not performed.

If you ask have u done the cross checks pat comes the answer what do you mean. How many times are u seeing the notes of the kid/boy. How many times are u asking him are u able to understand the topics. Before exams how many times are we taking note of their problems. I got him the model papers what more should i do. If not essay answers are u taking test of objective questions by randomly asking so that kid/feels that he is reviewed and will read.

The generic answers i am busy with my work. Mother say i dont know about all these.

Without naming this person I would say that i was lucky to share this, she has taken so much good intrest in the kid who was not making good to the level that kid started beliving that he can do best in the class. That is the spirit. Had that spirit been shown by her family members to her brother even he would have been different. this is not to lower him in anyway as he has done best in what he could do but could not get guidance at right time in age when it mattered.

I sincerly wish we need guide at every part of life to keep ourselves happy.

May lord vishnu bless all of us with proper guides.

Friday, February 5, 2010

chadtha suraj versus chehra pe suraj.

Hello Friends,

Today I wanted to discuss on a beautiful topic of chadtha suraj versus chehra pe suraj. there is  a saying in the north india that chadtha suraj ko har koyi salam karthe hai. Basically if we translate it to common man's language people will salute or seek to associated with a person who is successful or proven.

But I believed in getting chehra pe suraj, getting glow on a person by making him/her self capable. I believed in this theory and will continue to this theory for I dont want to forget my basics which has poverty at its back.

I know the struggle that i had to do and never left carrying people who believed in to me at any stage of my life in the last one and half decade. People after getting successful have left me and moved out but that has never detered me to keep on the path of chehra pe suraj. The no of kids i had got into jobs by making believe in themselves and today holding good positions can talk of chehra pe suraj.

In mumbai I had a friend who is into stock investing. His mind set was take risk and loose money too. I had worked for 2 years on mindset and today he is a different mindset where he himself acknowledged on email saying dada i am moving ahead on your path of success. This is not chadtha suraj. This is chehra pe suraj.

There was a person from securities. 4 years back she was at bad state. Worked with her on financial planning and motivation. Today she is on the verge of owning an apartment in Mumbai and feels she would have committed suicide had she not been moved on this path. This is chahre pe suraj.

There was the driver who used to drive me to Microsoft he was doing bad and wanted direction. Today he is successful and this is chehre pe suraj.

There were a set of youth who after education were finding no job and losing belief in themselves. Stood rock behind them with a business of pavbhaji and today they are successful. this is chehra pe suraj.

The things can be kept on writing. But to the person who wanted discussion i believed in chehra pe suraj and will continue to believe in that. i believe in making a person win, by guiding him/her so that suraj comes on to his chehra and he/she becomes a source of energy to other person.

This path needs patience but when i look back i am happy of what i had done. I am not intrested in taking shelter on chadtha suraj. I am intrested in bringing up the sun who is on the verge of sink back to life.

May lord vishnu bless us all and wish that he keeps me giving strength to do the same in future too.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Good sharing from sheela.

Try to collect 12, it's not easy!

• 'Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

• A sharp tongue can cut your own throat.

• If you want your dreams to come true, you mustn't


• Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most


• The best vitamin for making friends...... B1.

• The happiness of your life depends on the quality of

your thoughts.

• The heaviest thing you can carry is a


• One thing you can give and still your


• You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

• If you lack the courage to start, you have already


• One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.

• Ideas won't work unless ' You' do.

• Your mind is like a functions only

when open.

• The 10 commandments are not a multiple


• The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!

• It is never too late to become what you might

have been.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets.. So love

the people who treat you right.. Forget about the

ones who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you

get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If

it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life

would be easy, they just promised it would be

worth it.

Friends are like balloons;

once you let them go, you might not get them

back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own

lives and problems that we may not even notice

that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so

caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we

forget what's right and wrong..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Money who will it get back.

Dear friends,

Look at the innocent face of this girl.

What has she done to anybody. Look at the way she was killed. Mr. prabhakar rao his father is a liquor barren. vyshnavy is his daughter. She was killed by her own maternal uncle for money. Infact thrown into a boiler in which iron is smelt brutually. The person who killed was standing next to her father and acting innocent as if he doesnot know anything. what did anybody got in this. prabhakar rao died knowing his daughter has died. Father's dead body with the ash of daughter on heart. Is it not enough to break even the rocks into tears. The money is there as it is but few dead and rest behind bars this is the truth.

May god give wisdom to people to value life. 'LIVE LIFE' for it comes only once.

Heart is pained to highest extent.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vision - 2010

Hello Friends,

Thanks for all your wishes which kept on pouring yesterday like mumbai rain on my birthday. It was really special and I am indebted to all of your for your love and affection. For a change I was looking good in my new dress. I felt happy of it. The day started with SMS flowing from midnight to midnight. Phone calls, into chats name the mode of communication.

Well the dream to have 'VISHNU VALLABH' has kicked off. The goal is to become a 5 person company by next birthday. I am sure with god's guidance, parents blessings and love&affection of all my friends I will reach there.

A special mention should be made here to a person Vijaya who is the new to enter into friends & well wishers who proposed the plan of  'EDUCATIONAL SERVICES' and its need to the needy. Though there is funding going on to educational services on front, this will add one more dimension to it.

I am sure all of you have internet access either at office or house. Please use services like or and from feb 10th just sms the father of kids who are going to take the board exams ''PLEASE ENQUIRE ABOUT YOUR KIDS PREPARTION AND GUIDE HIM' for one month. This could motivate fathers to ask their sons atleast are u prepared and lend a helping hand. The kid will feel that somebody is monitoring him. If something wrong happens in exam the kids will not go to extreme steps as he knows he was updating his father of his efforts and something eventually coming he is little responsible for it. I am sure it wont cost you more than a minute and you can even put on dates in as reminders as it can go without intervention also.

The latest news of little girl vaishnavi from vijayawada killed has pained me. Throwing a little girl into a boiler used for melting iron ore is most henious crime. The killers should be given the same punishment and not hanging.  'vaishnavi' this name is so close to my heart as it is femine name of vishnu 'the dream'. I sincerly pray her soul rest in peace.

I would like to welcome the following to our team on this day 1. Kalyan from reliance commnications. 2. Vijaya from capgemini 3. uday & sumana from MSRDA,MMRDA 4.Priyanka from chd ( she will be datafeeder for stocks of mine). 5. Kokkar from Banglore 6. Satish,pradip,darshan from blr. 7. Poonam from Banglore. 8.puneet, rayan, srini akella 9. subrahmanyam, sheela, Naznin 10. Rajesh.

New friends from outside include Troy from USA, Nelson from Brazil, Elizabeth from London, Rebecca Mulan from Ireland, christy from German( She is my steffi graph), Laura from dublin( very active person at dublin).

Few people left our team for better things in their lives and I wish them all the best and thank them for being with our team and brining in their experience which cannot be undone. I sincerly thank them for that and I learnt lessons from that experience.

This year as taken up on 1st jan, the priority remains same to be good son etc. This year should get back me on the path of progress which is slowed for sometime.

Hope your love and affection continues with me for all the days to come ahead.

May lord Vishnu bless us all.


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