Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hello friends,

shocked to see images from kashi. Even dont feel like writing. We are in a country which is heaven for terrorists. They get royal treatment. Ministers visit jails to findout whether everything is ok or not. Meida gets their salaries by writing sensational articles. He didnot come before camera for proceedings. Judge asks lawyer to go to jail to see whether he is ok or not. What not. Judiciary has long hands and criminals play all games between those hands. Who ever has died has died. Govt will declare some money for them which is eaten away by middle brokers. The lungi minister will say about different incidents happening around the world and will reduce this as a simple incident. Luckily or fate no ministers kith and kin get killed in such things. What is the use of writing on blog is the question which comes to me, the answer is only to atleast say what is happening is bad. may the people who lost their kith and kin god give them strength to come back.

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