Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Beware of people near you.

Normally people who want to do harm will never be far away.  They will always come very near to you. When they feel you are slightly out of your secure zone they will do what they are expected to do. So always keep an eye on the people who are very near to you. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Good Match and great learnings in today's game.

Today's cricket match was a good example. Dhoni played beautifully. He was under immense pressure from media. The best point was he raised to the occasion. After India has won the match, there was not even smile on the face of Ravi shastri. It was like why India has won this match. Somehow this guy Ravi shastri never rose above petty politics. But a lesson that when a person believes in himself he can defend against all odds.  A very good lesson for me too.


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