Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 Targets towards 31-dec-2020

Slight breather as returns in investment has over taken actual investments. May end december with 5% returns. That is great in the covid situation. The next target will be to get ICICI bank to minimum balance level by 31st December. As of now it looks do-able.  If things work proper it may get over with good time left out. The target that follows up is 31-Mar-2021.  Expect to close everything on credit card or atleast have a minimal amount on the credit card as payable balance. The other deadline that I am setting for myself is the closure of personal loan by Dec 31 of 2021. By July 31st 2021 i expect the 4.5,6,7,8 thing to get over with 144 shots of 17K. By November 2021 expect PF stabilizer to be in place firmly and December onwards will start the payment of final house loan repayment. Oh god keep me happy and let my brain work normal to get these things done.


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