Saturday, October 26, 2019

Virtual house

For the first time i have started targetting the virtual house. It means that i should get an income of 10,000/- per month or 1.2L per annum as the rental income. I chose finvasia as my broker. Target is to see by my fourth year i.e 2023 dec the virtual house should be ready. May lord vishnu bless me in this plan.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The targets for 2020 are out.  PK needs to be at 11.2  which means  11.2/3 = 3.71.  so nb is 3.71 is 3.71/450=824.  bb is 3.71/120= 3090 and itb is 3.71/300=1236.

For i71811 the target is 3.3.  so nb is 1.1/150=735 , bb=1.1/40= 2750 and itb is 1100

For yapp16 the target8.52  so nb is 8.9/3/375=791 bb is 2960 and itb is 1186

for tbzl302 the target is 6.9 so nb is 766 for bb it is 2875 and itb it is 1437


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