Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to win over the in-laws

A sincere thanks to Sachin who shared a good article.

If you’ve just gotten married, it’s very likely that you won’t know your husband’s family very well. And it makes you nervous, because suddenly you’re living with a houseful of strangers.

To settle in with the family, it’s worth it to make that extra effort and connect with them. Not only will it help you make friends with his parents, but it will also do a world of good for your relationship.

If you’ve been married a while, but don’t live with your in-laws your husband will all the more appreciate the fact that you’re making an effort to keep his parents happy. So, why not try these tips:

Take his mom out

If his mom wants to go shopping and there’s nobody to take her, why don’t you drive her and spend a day shopping with her? She’ll appreciate the gesture. You can bond over clothes and shoes - or vegetables and spices. Who knows, if your tastes match, it could be the beginning of a happy relationship.

Call every few days

If you don’t live with them, call his parents often! Find out how they are doing, and whether they need your help running errands. It would be a good idea to note down birthdays and you are not allowed to forget them! His folks will really appreciate how much you care.

Spend evenings together

Try and spend some special occasions - birthdays, anniversaries, Diwali, other festivals - with your in-laws and extended family, instead of vacationing with the husband. But also remember that having casual lunches and dinners together will be just as appreciated! Learning about his family will also make you feel part of it.

Spoil the kids

Does he have nephews or nieces? Play with, cuddle and pamper them. Getting along with the kids will endear you to everyone!


If his grandmother’s not well, volunteer to spend the day/afternoon with her. Take her to the doctor, for medical tests, or simply sit and chat with her.

Volunteer to do chores if your mother-in-law is busy; invite your father-in-law home for meals if she’s out of town.

A little effort is all it takes to stay appropriately connected with his family and what you’ll get back in return will be truly invaluable!

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