Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ravi shankar on love and truth relationship.

There is a strange relationship between love and truth? If there is a competition between love and truth, it is the love that will win. It is the fear of losing love that makes someone tell lies to the most loved ones. They are afraid of losing their love if they tell the truth. So which is powerful? Love is powerful. And it should be that way. What is love? If you have not known, there is no way you will know. Even a single creature on this planet cannot say that it doesn’t know love. Because that is our second experience. Our first experience was pain.


  1. From few weeks the good words posted are very nice. Essence oflife is seen in those words. We want to meet you in person and spend an hour on intellectual discussion.

  2. the words when i read again and again i find so much truth. My husband lies but it is to keep me happy. My brother lies to his wife, but not for gains. It is to keep her happy. so i accept on blog which is first time i am doing that yes "It is the fear of losing love that makes someone tell lies to the most loved ones. They are afraid of losing their love if they tell the truth. So which is powerful? Love is powerful. "



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