Tuesday, October 19, 2010


What is happiness? For different people HAPPINESS means different things. For some, it might be winning the lottery. For others, it might be losing weight, traveling to exotic destinations or finding the love of their life.

Others might define HAPPINESS as being content and at peace with who and where they are in life. HAPPINESS for all humans is this—nothing more than a state of mind!
Human happiness is affected by many influences. There are outside influences such as goals, possessions, and “someday”, and there are inside influences , such as outlook and self esteem.

In order to help you decide what your state is right now and how happy you want to be, you must first measure your happiness based on our happiness scale . Remember the saddest feeling of your life and the happiest feeling of your life. On the scale, make your happiest moment ever equal to a score of +10. Now make the worst, or saddest moment you can recall a -10. Where on that scale are you normally, with regard to happiness, without any outside or inside influences? This number we will call your happiness preponderance , or your normal, uninfluenced state.

Once you figure out this value, you will know where you are, and will be better able to decide where you want to be. You will also be able to decide what makes you happy, and compare your definition of happiness with our definition of happiness . Hopefully they will have some of the same attributes. You may even find more ways to be happy than you knew possible.

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