Sunday, December 25, 2011

Anna hazare and indian judiciary

Early in the morning 6am i went and had tea. Bought news paper before i get eenadu at home. Reading the newspaper on anna hazare really i felt bad. First does the judge have what you call aukad to comment on such a person. Second doubting the integrity of such a person saying it is satyagraha for you and nuisance for some other. Mr. Judge let me ask you through this portal to whom is it nuisance. It is no elections sabha with voice and noise pollution. Third saying do it from your home shows to what levels you had fallen down. This enforced my belief that Indian judiciary is the worst. There is no way judiciary cannot come out of it.

This system will not change. I was having a word with my friend Sachin, who also felt this chain cannot be broken. The police - judiciary nexus. The politician - Judiciary nexus.  Common man like teachers, bankers, small business man cannot find themselves any where. May this system change someday so that justice can be seen by people .

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