Sunday, December 25, 2011

Shankdar dada - mbbs

Watched the movie again today on Gemini TV. Used to cry badly whenever there was shankar dada mbbs song. Because vishnu used to like that song very much. he always wanted that song to be played on the laptop. But with the heart accepting the recent facts, heart said how many times will you cry kumar. vengance has over powered love. I could not compete against the lawyer P. Raja gopal reddy. I am only a technical person but i cannot lie to the extent of a lawyer. No regrets. When I look at my slate i find it clean filled with values i believed in. I had fought till end as a great father. Winning and losing is part of life. But have u fought with guts till end before u closed the eyes is what counts and I see myself as a warrior if not a winner. Just like the hug which has the power, i had done good things in life. Anu, who was on the verge of suicide at kolkata today is married and settled at Ireland. Vaishnavi, who is dubai with srinivas who was mentally supported during tough times. Sachin with whom i created so many trading strategies, preeti who changed jobs for growth and today with prestigious company and then helping her buy car and house. The telugu tea team, the pavi bhaji wala whom sachin knows. The list goes on and on. I see myself a part of bigger society and moved up the chain. May lord vishnu bless me with wisdom and strength to serve people till i die.

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