Friday, December 23, 2011

Disturbed Mind

As the day of leaving mumbai is coming, mind is disturbed. 8 years of life went out here.Came as a guy who never saw this city. Who has no body in this city. Made my impression in this city. After 8 years returning from this city. mind is so much disturbed i dont have words to say. certain dreams totally crushed. Great achievements also at the back. Life is like that. If you love something more than normal, god takes that away. Then u realize that there is no meaning in loving that to such extent as it was not yours. you came empty handed and will go empty handed. I watch kuntiputrudu movie song 'gummalu thommidhi gundemo chinnadhi, eeh dhari vachavu ra jeeva eeh dari poyevu ra' too good song. One more song of vikram okate jananam okate maranam too good.

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